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The Magical World Of Vern Fonk

About a month ago I was bombing around on YouTube and I came across a peculiar Christmas ad for Vern Fonk Auto Insurance. It is a insurance business based out of Seattle, Washington. After watching one of his ads is was mesmerized/traumatized and perplexized. (Hey if snoop can make up words so can I).  Needless to say I wanted to know more about this guy. Was I being put on buy some local improve group who made up this fictional ad?  Was this guy insane? I had no idea.

Most of his ads seem to use many quick pop culture and movie references.  Usually poorly done but entertaining. So I tried to find some more info on this guy. Do to my research on trusty/not so trusty Wikipedia, I found out much to my shock the guy in the ad who you think is Vern Fonk is not the real Vern Fonk. (Will the real Vern Fonk please stand up.)

The man who you think is Vern real name is  Rob Thielke who is a manager at one of his offices who  writes these off beat ads. The real Vern Fonk died in 2006. This made me sad because deep down inside because  I wanted Vern to be some whacked out entrepreneur who sold auto insurance but also dreamed of being a superstar a la Mary Katherine Gallagher.

Seriously this guy will do anything to get your attention.

Help I’m Being Oppressed.

Even though there is no real Vern Fonk, the spirt of Vern Fonk lives on.  I applaud his be kind rewind approach to ads despite probably most peoples use of common sense.  Who knows this could be what State Farm and SunLife insurance ads could look like in five years.  To check out more of his odd ads, just go to youtube and type in Vern Fonk. Who knows what you might find.

By Josh Meisner