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Cheer and Loathing in the Free World

Dec 22, 2012

Since it’s the holidays I am going with a very rare all cheer version of Cheer and Loathing in the Free World.  Slowly I am trying to get in the quote “spirit of things.” At least I am not a the point now where anyone I see wearing a Santa hat I want to rock bottom them.  Honestly who the hell in there right mind wears one in the middle of November. So take a deep breath and realize that it will all be over soon and try not to stress out too much.  Oh and for those who aren’t done your shopping yet fellas, here is a great tip for some last minute shopping for that special lady.

Cheer: Old WW2 Movies– There a simple reason why I like old WW 2 movies. You see if they shot a movie today everything in it be cgi’d to death. The tanks, the explosions and the planes would all be in the director and actors imagination, until there added later in post production. In those WW 2 movies say between 1945 and say till the 1970’s those were the authentic thing. Hell they even used real vets in some of the earlier ones.  Sure they can be campy, historically inaccurate and the star may never get a ounce of dirt on them. That Panzer running over that hedge, that a real live scare the bejesus out of you Panzer. Those Mustangs and Messerschmitt in that dog fight are real functioning aircraft right down to the decals. When they re enact an air drop of Operation Market Garden, those are real planes with real people jumping out. Could you imagine a studio trying to do this now? The logistics and safety issues alone would make their head explode.

Cheer: The word BULLSHIT-I don’t know why I think this is just a great term but it just  roles off the tongue. It is much better than its brother horse shit, and it is much more versatile then its cousin dipshit.  Try it some time. You won’t be disappointed. (Note: I am not responsible for when you use it or how you use it. If you get fired, thrown out of a McDonalds or make your kids cry that was really your call.)

HUH?: Holliday Commercials– Ok in particular this one. I’m not sure if this guy trying to be a dick, has a speech impediment or is just a dumb ass.  Sorry I’m not sure what going on here but I had to post it

MEGA CHEER: Die Hard as the greatest Christmas movie ever-Come on work with me here. Every Christmas movie is often about people finding the true meaning of the holidays, has a ghost of Christmas pasts, Santa and all kinds of other predictable crapola. To me this is a more relatable holiday movie.

John McClain just wants a day off, wants to try and fix up his relationship with his wife and has to suffer through a company Christmas party he doesn’t really want to attend. The whole situation is just frustrating from the start. Something everyone can relate too. So then some asshole terrorist have to mess his holiday up. Like the Holidays aren’t stressful enough. So he going to have to fix the problem himself because, unlike most people during the holidays, there too self-absorbed in their own shit to do anything about it.

So you can keep your wide eyed kids trying to wait up for Santa, or Ebenezer Scrooge learning about how wicked he was, or Charlie Brown and his sad Christmas tree. Those are all nice lessons. But really those movies tell people to depend on the good of others or that everything will be ok because it’s a Christmas miracle.  John McClain doesn’t sit on his hands waiting for something that may never come, John McClain is out there taking care of business himself just armed with a machine gun and moxy.

Plus I love this voice over guy.

So Merry Christmas, a Happy Chanukah and a beautiful Kwanza to all my readers and listeners out there. Oh yeah also Yippee Kay Yeah mother f@3Kers.

By Josh Meisner