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A Chance For A Re-do: Pearls of Africa

Now this is far what from what I thought one of my first blog/report/story would be like. Honestly most of the stuff you will probably see here would be profanity laced jibber jabber about some inane movie idea or some weird/trendy/horrifying popular video on YouTube. But about a month ago I came across this story that made my eyes well for some reason. This is a story I had to share.

Uganda. Why should I care about some boys from Uganda of all places? Many of us probably cannot find it on a map. (For your info it’s in Africa west of Kenya and south of South Sudan.) So why did it catch my eye? Little League Baseball. Yes there is little league baseball in Africa. The story tells of how an American business man decided to start a baseball in Africa.

Now that could be a fine enough story in itself. It is quaint, cheerful and sweet. But it’s so much more of a story than that. To make a long story short the team from Uganda won their region to become the first African team to qualify for the Little League World Series in South Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

That would have been a beautiful end to the story. A classic story of a scrappy baseball team who overcome great odds to reach their goals. It would be the classic children’s Disney movie. Unfortunately though this is not a Hollywood screenplay splashed upon the silver screen. Their dreams were quickly quashed by bureaucratic bullshit.

Upon applying for visas to come to the supposed land of opportunity, where dreams are made and stars are born, they were denied access to the states due to their visas having “irregularities”. When asked what those were they cited security reasons they could not reveal what the “irregularities” were. It was the equivalent of a baseball umpire ejecting a player then asking why saying “I can’t tell you it’s a secret”. (Later reported that there ages on their visas weren’t matching their birth certificates) Funny how they met the requirements of both the little league world series and I believe Saudi Arabia, who they played in the finals of their regional play in. Yes I do understand they both probably don’t have the high standards or resources of US Immigration but no red flags were found in the other cases that are of my knowledge). So some necktie too tight, can’t see the forest through the trees, bum hole kissing excuse of a bureaucrat in one fell swoop denied these kids an opportunity. (NOTE: Saudi Arabia ended up taking Uganda spot in the little league world series. Interestingly Saudi Arabia is one of Americas few allies in the Middle Eastern region and also major oil supplier. Potentially a wink wink nudge nudge move was in play or just a happy coincidence. )

So I could just leave you there hanging on this sad note and everyone could go on with their lives. But there is a way to make it right. You see Uganda’s first historical game as the first African representative at the Little League World Series was to be the team from Langley, BC. These young kids partnering with Right to Play International are trying the best they can to correct this wrong. They are trying to raise funds to fly Langley team to Uganda to play the game that never was and to help build a field so that future generations have a place to go and play the game they love.

Amazingly a bunch of 13 year old boys from Canada decided to cut through political mumbo jumbo and are trying to do the right thing. It’s a novel concept that I hope catches on. But they need your help Check the link below. There is a great 8:00 video that sums up there story much better than my ramblings could ever do. Please help these kids reach their goal.

By Joshua Meisner

Link to Baseball In Uganda Story


Link to Right to Play International