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Cheer and Loathing in the Free World

Cheer and Loathing in the Free World

By Josh Meisner

Hey everybody. Welcome to Cheer and Loathing in the Free World. In this section I vent about things that get stuck in my craw (never have something stuck in your craw) or things that we fail to appreciate.  So first lets start in with a oldie but a goodie.

Cheer: Tina Turner- Musical powerhouse, true woman’s icon, energetic and the lord supreme of Thunder Dome. She can at the age of 72 come in and blast the roof off any stadium you try to contain her in.  So take that you auto tuned skanked up hacks who only sing about drinks and shit you own.

Loath: Kim Kardashian- Set of boob that has no, repeat NO TALENT. Famous for being famous.  Frankly every time there a story about her that consumes a part of your day, Satan is stealing your soul.  Seriously who would want to hang out with her? If she didn’t have a show or did the nasty with Ray J (who ever the hell Ray J is) she just be another bimbo.

Cheer: Old Subway commercial-This is pre Jared I do believe. These ads were very entertaining. Unlike that stupid monkey they have now. Hell as lame as Jared was I could at least say wow Jared lame but he lost some pile of weight. How am I supposed to relate to a monkey? If it at least talked we might be getting somewhere.

Mr. Lovitz:

Cheer: Muppets-Funny, mischievous, multicultural fun. I mean who hasn’t watched a episode of the Muppets and laughed at least once. There was always one character you could relate to. I would actually like to spend a day with them even though they have half bodies and a hand jammed in there bungholio Unlike…


Loath: I Carly-I have friends who have kids. This show is on all the time. Yet I have no idea what it’s about. I tried. I really tried. Its whinny,loud and obnoxious.  I guess she has a web show or something. It’s just bad bad tv.  (Note: It’s not a generational thing. It’s bad tv thing. Worse than Save by the Bell. Come on that was bad too. It was just bad spread over several characters)

Cheer: Bacon-It’s a great way to start the day. Having eggs and bacon for breakfast is saying to death “Ha ha I woke up today so I am going to reward my self with greasy goodness”. Many great things were achieved on a stomach full of bacon and eggs. We sent men to the moon, wars were won, Die Hard was made. Which is more that I can say for …

Bacon frying:

Loath:Fruit for breakfast. Fruit. FRUIT! Really. And I don’t mean just on the side. As your whole kick of the morning breakfast. What the hell do you think you are going to achieve with a mango lodged in your stomach. Nothing that is what.

Cheer-Beat boxing: A lost art form it seems much like Incas. What to soon? Here is a clip of one of the last beatboxers Rhazel. Ok for some that just noise but for those who can’t even carry a tune it is pretty freaking amazing.

Beat Boxing  Im Bringing Sexy Backl

Cheer: The return of Sidney Crosby-Amazing skilled hockey player to the ice and wow and entertain us with a bevy of dekes and passes. Great to see him overcome the concussion symptoms

Loath: The return on Sid the Kid-The over bearing media dry humping of all things Sid. Honestly I think there some broadcasters who touch themselves when they are calling his games.  Why don’t we just start the Sid network and follow him 24/7. Even when the games are on all the cameras will just focus on is him. Honestly when they replay highlights of what another player  did they either talk about it over lingering shots of Sidney or cut to his reaction.  It’s about the game not just one guy.