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The Last True Preformers

Coconut oiled behemoths with peroxide dyed hair, sprayed on tans and spandex shorts. These are the last true public entertainers. There something about the great dance in the fabled square circle. You can get lost and mesmerized by the large then life spectacle.  Whether it be a 7 foot mammoth of a man, the high flying antics of a masked man or just the insane boasting of a dude whose face is painted,  who if you saw on the street you declare mentally insane. You and I both know the outcomes are predetermined and that no that a man can be hit with a steel chair seven times and just be fine with it but I think that part of the allure. You want to get lost in the absurdity  and the grandeur.

To me its easier to interact and relate to than say a movie or shakespearian play  (though the plots and occasional cross dressing that occurs are very Shakespearian. ) You see unlike a movie where you have to remember plot points, characters ect., any novice can go to a wrestling show and a) quickly learn who to cheer and who to boo (mob mentality at its safest),  be wowed by amazing feats of athletism or when they land face first on a opponent from the top turn buckle or when a guy getting punched even though you know its faked( though sold very well.) Also unlike a movie if five min in to it you know its going to suck it pretty much owns you for the next hour and a half to two hours.  At a wrestling show if a match sucks (which also can be quite entertaining in its self) there another one ready to roll out.

Also there fan interaction. As much as I want to yell at Nic Cage at a movie theater (which is surprisingly frowned upon) you get no immediate reaction from him. When the big bad heel (heel is wrestling term for baddie) come down and you yell that he sucks or flip him the bird (which is a very popular go to move) you get a reaction. Now its his characters reaction which he may have premeditated, but the deep down satisfaction of being acknowledge is satisfying to say the least.

These men and woman have to be actors, stuntmen, public speakers, symbols and imporv artist all at the same time.  And unlike stage actors they don’t give the same performance every night. For example if you are playing Willy from Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman, you already have a character outlined for you and you say the same lines in the same tone just about every night. In wrestling you never know how the crowd will react, how your opponent will react to a move or hell how your own body will react. Let’s face it if you get slammed on a concrete floor you have no idea how your body going to feel (probably pain yes but how much?)

I know wrestling often get frowned upon. There fans are often characterized as Rednecks or uneducated or have no grip on reality. But in truth wrestling fans come from every walk of life. Whether it be young, old, lawyers, men, woman, businessmen or teachers.  Before you judge I ask you to go to one show.  Not necessarily a WWE show but from a local circuit. (There are tons of them out there, you just have to pay attention)  I have faith that at the end of the evening there be at least one sliver of  moment that you will go Wow that was worth it and you will appreciate the work they put into it. (Note: do not try these moves at home. Just had to be said)