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Cheer and Loathing in the Free World Jan 25th, 2012

Hey everyone it’s another edition of Cheer and Loathing in the Free World. I would like to take this time to say thank you for those who check out my blogs especially last week. Apparently when you put in the term naked girls in your blog you get lots of attention.  Who knew? Anyway I decided to start this week off a little different by showing you a few pics by famous street artist named Bansky. Whos says we isn’t cultard and junk.

Cheer-Jalen Rose-Jalen Rose for those who don’t know helped change the college game as a member of the Fab 5 at Michigan and played 13 years in the NBA.  That not the reason I like Jalen. I like him because he give the most honest answers about being a pro athlete. Everything from game preparations, the locker room dynamic and what players actually think about on and off the court. His podcast on the is always interesting to listen to as Jalen and David Jacoby jabber on about sports, sprinkling in behind the scenes info and hip hop references. As he likes to croon, “got to give the people, the people what they want”.

Plus he decided to wear this on his draft night. Takes a set of balls to wear a suit like that. That what we call stylin.

Loath– McDonalds-Yes. I know it is easy to beat up on McDonalds. Yes there portion sizes have shrunk, (like most foods may I add. Remember 3 liter bottles of pop) there cost have gone up and there always in your face with there over 247 billion burgers sold. Awesome, you sold a lot of burgers, but we as consumers stick with them. They changed how there fries taste, they tease us with weird regional only foods (McSpagetti, McLobster, and fresh corn and yes this crap existed) and I think they shoved Grimace in a trunk of a Lincoln and rolled him in the river. Even some of the less then tempting imagery of how their food is processed does not turn us off. Yet we still show up with our hard earned money and just handed over to Ronald. We walk in and think about nostalgic childhood memories and how things USE to taste.  But I came to an epiphany. I don’t really like McDonald’s food. Know what I like?  I like there McChicken sauce and Big Mac sauce, not that actual food. It is like saying do you like BBQ hamburgers and replying well no there just a ketchup or BBQ sauce delivery device. It’s sad when your claim to fame is not your food but the shit you put on top of your food.  Congrats.

Here are some Menu items you wont every day


Loath: Liking Facebook statuses when it’s not like/not like situation-First of all what happened to the not like button? Why does everything have to be likable?  Anyway, if for example you wrote “got into college” and someone clicked liked that makes sense. But if you ask “has anyone seen my red hat?” and they click like what the hell does that mean. They like hats?  They like losing things? They stole your hat? Maybe there just evil bastards and they revel in the fact that you lost shit and it makes you sad inside.  I don’t know. Just read shit first before you like.

Cheer-George Takei-Who is that you may ask? It’s Sulu from Star Trek (The original series). No I am not some Trekkie (or Trekker) gushing over his hero.  George Takei was one of the first prominent Japanese-Americans on film (you know before they existed in Hollywood), Gay rights activist, Star Trek and Star Wars diplomat (Star Alliance as he calls it), Twilight stupidity enlightener(major points there ) and he just has a very dry sense of humor.

by Josh Meisner

Cheer and Loathing in the Free World Jan 12th, 2012

Hello everybody it’s a new year. I have decided to turn over a new leaf and be less harsh and critical. I’m going to be more open minded and less judgmental.  Be at peace and understand that I can’t control everything and that Even though I may disagree with something it is still ok. Nah I’m just shitting you. As I would like to often proclaim in the 90’s and still do to this day, I am keeping it real yo.

Loath-Online Magazine Subscription sties: I probably wouldn’t have brought this up until I received my issue of Movie Maker magazine in the mail. There was nothing wrong with the issue. It was in pristine condition still hermetically sealed in a lovely plastic sleeve. So why am I so perturbed? Maybe because this is the 3rd issue I have received in over 2 F@$King years. I have a bi monthly subscription so by my math I have missed 9 issues.  This is the second company I have had issues with. The first didn’t even bother to send me ANY issues out.  Maybe it’s with the actual magazine company its self. All I know is that online subscription ordering is dead to me. Arseholes.

Cheer: Space– Yes the great big black thing in the sky that is littered with stars. Why do I cheer space? Unlike most thing anyone can try and bull shit their way through, (cars, sports, history) almost no one knows what the hell is going on up there.  How does a black hole really work, I don’t know. Is there little green men out there watching us? There might be. Is there a planet made of chocolate and nougat? It very well maybe children. Also because of that giant void, of which we know little, we as humans shoot up satellites, probes, and men into space to find out stuff.   When they try and find out stuff, they develop new technologies and make advancement in science.  Let’s face it, if we knew everything about space or had no urge to go there we wouldn’t have a quarter of the stuff we do now. Most likely there would be no microwaves, no jet airplanes and no tang. (Note: Does anyone drink tang anymore. I am just asking)

Loath: Posting shit you bought on facebook-I’m sorry this is such a shallow thing. I would estimate that over 95 percent of the time it’s not a innocent “Hey everybody just to let you know so you aren’t confused I bought a new car”.  It has more the tone “Hey you damn losers look at all the shit I just bought and makes me better then you. You are lucky that you are privileged enough to see my shit. F@#ktards.”  Oh look you bought a new sweater. Wow what earth shattering news. You own stuff. Wow you are just the most amazing person in the world.  The only thing shallower is…

Loath: Posting self pics of yourself all the time-Facebook says you need a picture of yourself on your profile to identify who you are. So if you take a self pic so you have something on there I do understand. It is facebook law and that the most powerful law there is. There are people out there though who whole pic inventory are pictures of themselves. I knew one girl who every week there was a new self pic on there. Not cause she got a new hair cut or something that altered her appearance such as a giant spike in her head. . She just looooooooved photographing herself. You people know who you are. Just stop it. (Note: when searching for a pic or video for an example i came across whole sites dedicated to this self indulgence. One site called Hot Self shots where girls take naked pics of themselves. . Frig. )

Keeping it classy and making dad proud.

Cheer: Netflix feedback system– Netflix has had a rough year. I mean ROUGH. Whether it be about them shutting down there home delivery service, to the quality of their product or just there public image.  But I will give Netflix props in one area. They often send me email either wondering how the quality of their video was (usually good but sometimes a bit fuzzy) or how they can improve their service.  Now I am not sure how well they are implementing this but the fact is they want to know how their doing to provide a better product. Wouldn’t it be nice if your cable provider sent you a email saying “how was our feed” or a network saying “How can we improve this show cause frankly we are out of ideas?”

Many companies such as cell phone, cable and utilities don’t give a shit cause often there the only game in town.  For example a neighbor of mine recently complained that his bandwidth had dropped from approximately 3 gig to 1.5. The rep basically told them there were more people using the network and that the reason for the drop. Well he was paying for 3 and now paying the same for less. He asked if anything was to be done about it, they and was told there was nothing they can do. (or want to) Unfortunately they are the only provider in the area and they have you over a barrel. Even though Netflix is a mess, they are at least trying to find a way out of there mess.  Just the fact they want to know how there doing and are at least making an effort to fix it.  As a customer of anywhere the fact someone is putting in an effort goes along way with me.  Now Netflix do not fail me or I must break you.

by Josh Meisner