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Cheer and Loathing in the Free World 2012 Preview Edition

In this New Year edition of Cheer and Loathing in the Free world, I am going to look ahead to 2012 to some things I am looking forward to and not so much.  By the looks of it if it wasn’t for sports this is a very dark year for me.

Cheer: 2012 summer Olympics in London– I must say I don’t love the Olympics but I do enjoy them.  I’m sure London will have interesting opening ceremony with lots of celebs. Honestly though, most of us don’t pay attention to our “amateur” athletes that much till it is Olympic time.  We don’t normally give a crap about things like marathons, badminton and artistic gymnastics. But once your nations flag shows up in the medal count it’s a “hell yeah we number one wooooooo” moment.  It gives you a sense of pride that you are good at something though you personally had nothing to do with it. Usually there always one story that jumps out of someone persevering over some tragic injury or event.

Loath: Crap in toilet– Look as the book says everybody poops. To this day though it still baffles me that we as supposed civilized creatures but we DO NOT FLUSH THE TOLIET AFTERWARDS. Do you know how often I have run to the bathroom to be greeted by a giant pile of poop.  Just flush it you say, well that not the point.  Sadly unless laws are instructed or bathroom monitors are put in place this will continue to happen.

Loath: Mayan myths-So for those who been living under a rock basically the Mayan created a calendar that runs out in Dec 21, 2012. Now according to their mythology that is the day the world will end.  We will be bombarded with damn stories about this for a whole year now, wing nuts posting crazy shit on the internet and I’m sure sadly some cult will do something.  You know what though, if we make it past Dec. 21st still intact they will go back and say oops we made a mistake its really such and such a date like any other crack pot who predicts our end. Oh and we will probably see that shitty movie 2012 a billion times on TV.

Great video to calm all your worries.

Cheer: UEFA Euro-This could be my favorite sporting event of the world. To me this is the most competitive sports tournament there is. The top sixteen European nations trying to vie for football supremacy. Unlike the world cup these are the best of the best (excluding   Argentina, Brazil and maybe Uruguay. )Though you can argue that some of the tops aren’t there at least the tournament isn’t filled out with nations who got in because they played in weak football regions like South Korea, Japan, Algeria, Honduras and North Korea. Plus do to their natural geographic proximity there is real actual palatable passion for there country and despise for their opponents.

Loath: Some mindless celebrity death- I’m not going to predict who will die here but I’m sure some celebrity will die tragically and they will be plastered all over the news. Death is inevitable and sad yes. The thing is though there will be someone who is basically a straight up bitch/asshole who will pass and everyone will say the cliché’ “oh he was so talented” and “gone to soon” or my favorite “a real role model.” I’m trying not to be callas but it amazes me how we glaze over all the shitty things they done cause there dead and famous.

Loath: Gomez/ Bieber marriage: No I do not have any inside info on this. I just got a sick feeling in my gut this will go down.  Then all I will see on magazine racks are stories like or “Justin and Selena on the splits” or “Justin’s wild night without Selena” or “Selena and Justin sacrifice puppies to the sun god RA to show their love” Just straight up garbage.

Cheer: Dark Knight Rises– I love batman, I love Chris Nolan and I love Chris Nolan’s Batman series. The expectations I have are probably way to high. But Damn it I love me some batman (in a platonic way).

I hope you all have a good 2012.

By Josh Meisner