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An Open Letter to Dave Chappelle

Dear Dave,

Sorry if it’s too formal for calling you Dave. I’m sure there guys out there always trying to give you advice, still yelling I’m Rick James Bitch at you and wondering if you fell the fuck off.  Those are not the reasons  why I am writing this letter. This is a thank you letter.

Thank you for the Chappelle show, that was a given. Thank you for your candid stand up. That is also a given.

This is me thanking you in a fame seeking and everyone wants to be a star world that you had the balls to hit the reset button and realize what is important to you.  Sure the money was must of been awesome (50 million or so they say) but damn what the money worth if you aren’t happy.  I look at people like Kim Kardasian (If you see a Kardasian and there are no cameras around does she really exist?)  who lets face it, needs  her show to justify her existence.  You see washed up actor enter celebrity boxing shows or rehab shows trying to reignite some last hope of fame.

Your show was ground breaking, honest and very funny. You decided that fame wasn’t as important as your family, your stand up or your happiness.  There are many people out there who have professions that when they look in the mirror they wonder if the price they are paying is worth it? Is it worth selling out what you think is important to you.  It sounds like a simple thing yet we all seem to get caught up in some bullshit.

Watch this clip. Insight and level headedness of supposed crazy Dave Chappelle

So thank you for what you have given us. Who knows there maybe another chapter in your life in which you come back on your own terms and give us more.  If so great, power to you.  If not continue living your life your way and keep doing your stand up if that what makes you happy.


Josh Meisner