Category Archives: Podcasts Achrives

After Much Deduction Podcast Dec 20th part 2

Hey everyone. Here is part 2 of our pod cast where Wade Fralic and myself preview more movies coming out for 2012. We touch on Django Unchained, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, and The Avengers to name a few. Enjoy.

Part 2

After Much Deduction PODCAST Dec 19th, 2011

Hey everybody. Yeah I know you were asking where the pod casts? Well the new pod cast is up and its a two parter. Wade Fralic and I discuss what is lined up for 2012 in the cinemas. In part one we touch on mostly sequels, reboots and spin-offs. Expendables 2,  The Dark Knight Rises and 21 Jump Street are just some of the topics we touch on. No we are not trapped in a 1920 telephone either. Listen and you will hear why?

Part 1

After much delay…

Hey everybody, our inaugural pod cast is up and running finally.  What in playing at the movies, spermbanks and burning goats are just some of the topics we touch on. With special guest Tasha Stoddard. This is just the begining. There only going to get better right? RIGHT?
